Interesting concepts in the Unison language (refer...
# random
Interesting concepts in the Unison language (referring to the hashing of functions and the file structure), adding this to Kotlin will probably break Java-interop, maybe something that can be added to IntelliJ if intelliJ is not already doing something similar

👍 1
Maybe I'm drinking the wrong Kool-Aid, but this seems like a solution to something that wasn't actually a problem.
there are some interesting concepts in there, could even benefit blockchain applications, but it's a research language, so everything will need to be done from scratch again and the syntax looks horrible (in my personal opinion) was mostly wondering if Kotlin's build-times could be reduced if such a hashing mechanism and file structure was used in IntelliJ
A very interesting idea, but very raw at the same time. IMO the next generation of languages will go that route merging language and version control systems. The programming experience will be supper different, but in 20 years this may as well become the norm.
👍 1