Anyone knows if the Android Studio change `Faster ...
# random
Anyone knows if the Android Studio change
Faster R class generation for library projects
has been backported to IntelliJ IDEA so that we can finally update Android Gradle Build Tools to 3.3? I can’t find any issue related to this on Youtrack
But this is a part of Android Gradle Plugin, nothing to do with IDEA
When something doesn’t work in IDEA but works in Android Studio, it has to do with IDEA 🙂
But thanks, it should be fixed if 2019.1 has all changes of AS 3.3
But what exactly doesn’t work on IDEA?
r generation doesn’t work on IDEA before 2019.1
When using Android gradle build tools 3.3+
Same for AS 3.2 with build tools 3.3+
yeah I see