<https://blog.joda.org/> this seems like a potenti...
# random
https://blog.joda.org/ this seems like a potential problem (Oracle apparently changing the terms on their build of JDK 11 to include
You may not: use the Programs for any data processing or any commercial, production, or internal business purposes other than developing, testing, prototyping, and demonstrating your Application;
Just switch to OpenJDK, shouldn't be too much of a problem
Yeah, if you already know that Oracle’s build is a trap
Well, yeah... But that has a) been known for quite some time now, b) the download page for JDK 11 clearly states that there has been licensing changes, and c) if you google
JDK 11
the first results already lead you to OpenJDK instead of Oracle. So... That blogpost is a little hyperbolic.
Oh and I'm not defending Oracle's move here, I still think it's shitty.
what's up with the free oracle hate ?
even on reddit people spam this non sense
they already announced the licence change, and they clearly mention you can download a free openjdk build on the oracle jdk download page
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