Application has been live for 4 years with less th...
# random
Application has been live for 4 years with less than 1 minute of total downtime over that period. We release at least once per week & have a major release monthly.
Cool, your team apply XP, right?
Yep, full on Kanban but with daily Scrum. Continuous Integration but manual deployment using Puppet scripts.
Cool, does your system’s stability rely fully on unit test, integration test & automation test? Or does it need manual test?
All of those. Most of the tests are Integration Tests as this ensures that we exactly match all the inputs/outputs of previous version of the application. We have a serious suite of Selenium Tests for multiple web-apps which use multiple browser/version combinations
Entire test suite will run on ~15 build-servers run in parallel and a full run takes about 4 hours to complete. We also have manual testing of each release candidate.