Hah, I read the other day on reddit that someone's...
# random
Hah, I read the other day on reddit that someone's company won't let them use Kotlin because JetBrains is based in Prague which in an Eastern European country and therefore inherently unstable. Well not only is Czechia not in Eastern Europe but I would say most of JetBrains is in Russia anyways. Some people really need to look at a map sometimes. Anyways, who else is worried that Russia's secret agencies are implanting back doors into Kotlin? 😄
🕵️ 7
I would say even more... Kotlin is based in... Kotlin... island
🕵️‍♂️ 1
All of the back doors are willingly presented here: https://github.com/JetBrains/kotlin. 😉
😅 1
👍 2