Are there currently any book recommendations? The ...
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Are there currently any book recommendations? The docs are fantastic but I like diving into a book with some actual project examples 🙂
I used the kotlin in action book by @svtk and the big nerd ranch kotlin books
+1 for Kotlin In Action, great book
That’s exactly what I was looking for! Just bought it, thank you very much
It does seem to miss coroutines and channels because those are probably newer features (book is from 2019)
The Kotlin in Action book is indeed really great!
It even helps to understand Java better.
That seems like a fantastic resource
I have done the PS coroutine course. Overall it’s pretty good and has many examples. On the downside it does rely on an older version of Kotlin. Some apis have changed meanwhile.
Programming Kotlin and Programming DSLs in Kotlin — both by Venkat Subramaniam and published by The Pragmatic Bookshelf (as there’s another “Programming Kotlin” book by another author & publisher) are both excellent books. Obviously the second is more niched. The books’ web sites provides some excerpts so you can check it out.
Ooh. Love Venkats talks. Will try out his book!
@javaru I got Programming Kotlin and am about 25% in so far. This was a perfect recommendation. The writing style and content exactly matches my preferred reading style. Many thanks!
K 1
I'm glad you are finding it useful.
Same here: read about 25% of the DSLs in Kotlin.