Is Swing the only remaining way to build truly cro...
# announcements
Is Swing the only remaining way to build truly cross-platform Desktop UIs (without building OS-specific distributables)?
Java FX
JavaFX is now separate from the JRE so you need to create platform-specific bundles
Arguably swing doesn't offer this either for any group of target end users outside of the limited niches of certain enterprise deployments and software developers that have a reason to have a desktop jre installed. For everyone else you end up bundling to avoid sending them off to get OS specific dependencies.
Isn't electron truly cross-platform?
cross platform without building OS specific binaries? Not sure what you're asking. Seems like just a web app, no?
Electron has a different binary per platform.
It's impossible to be truly cross-platform without different binaries though. The solution that was found is that the user installs a ‘VM' (OS-specific, like the JRE) and then your app can be a single binary for all platforms. But that requires the user to download a JRE (or Python, or...), and the current ‘fashion' is to bundle it in your app so the user doesn't have to care (because there still isn't a proper way to handle dependencies on desktop)
In case you don't find a way around OS-specific distributables. This is how a project of mine uses jpackage to create os-specific distributables:
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tasks {
    register("buildInstaller") {

        doLast {
            if (JavaVersion.current() < JavaVersion.VERSION_16) {
                throw GradleException("Require JDK 16+ to run 'jpackage' (currently ${JavaVersion.current()})")
                these packaging tools have to be installed because they are required by jpackage:
                    - on Red Hat Linux: the rpm-build package
                    - on Ubuntu Linux: the fakeroot package
                    - on macOS: Xcode command line tools
                    - on Windows: WiX 3.0 or later
            val projectVersion = project.version.toString()
                name = "VoidChess",
                description = "a chess program",
                appVersion = projectVersion,
                inputDir = "build/libs",
                destinationDir = "build/installer",
                mainJar = "voidchess-$projectVersion-all.jar",
                addModules = listOf("java.desktop"),
                winIcoIconPath = "about/shortcut-icon2.ico",
                winShortcut = true,
                winMenu = true,
                linuxPngIconPath = "about/shortcut-icon2.png",
                linuxShortcut = true,
                linuxMenuGroup = "Games",
                macIcnsIconPath = "about/shortcut-icon2.icns"
(notice the
entry to create bundle a minimal jre with your app. An entry point to googling more about this is looking for
is defined in the buildSrc: Notice that this doesn't support cross-platform, so you need e.g. a windows-client to build a windows-version, but you're CI-setup (e.g. GitHub Actions) should already support selecting the OS of your build-machine.
I want to distribute one jar (this is a JVM project) and be able to run it under any JRE.
that's the default 😆 just have a gradle file like this
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plugins {
  kotlin("jvm") version "1.5.21"

group = "com.example"
version = "0.0.1-SNAPSHOT"
java.sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_8

repositories {
and do a
./gradlew clean build
and check the build/libs folder.
@Stephan Schroeder that JAR will not be executable. You should add the
plugin, but even then it generates a ZIP, not a uber jar.
can generate a uber jar that contains all dependencies, and can be ran with
java -jar <…>.jar
@CLOVIS you're right, i forgot about the dependencies. Ok, so in order to have access to
you'll have to add this to this plugin section
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id("com.github.johnrengelman.shadow") version "7.0.0"
here's the link to that plugin's page: