Hi, do you know any good library for doing simple ...
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Hi, do you know any good library for doing simple but performant 3D graphics ? With a friend we want to try making a little Minecraft renderer to visualize our world, but I don't know what to use, he is on Linux and me on Windows so we need something multiplatform, and I guess that doing this with Compose will be great if we want to keep it simple and quick to develop ?
👀 1
I don't think Compose does 3d. I've used Processing in the past for very simple 3d stuff, it is very easy to learn and to use, however it's not a full blown game engine so don't expect amazing perfs. (It is a bit weird to setup in IDEA, @ me if you decide to use it). I've played with jMonkeyEngine, but that's probably too low level for what you're trying to do. Both of these work on the JVM (so Linux and Windows are fine). Godot is quite easy to learn, but it's a Python-like language, not Kotlin. (Everything I mentioned is FOSS)
Compose can control 3D stuff granted you plug it to the right APIs.
There's a game engine made in Kotlin named KorGE, might suit your needs.
Yes I know Processing, I used it when I was young, but I want something more advanced, maybe not ultra simple, like I've found Three.kt and it seems not bad, I also know that Minecraft uses LWJGL, and someone told me about a library name LibGDX that has a Kotlin version, but said that it was more for games than just renders
For rendering, Filament maintained by @romainguy can produce very good results.
I tried KorGE before for games and it was a lot bugged, even the Intellij plugin was completly broken :(
LWJGL and LibGDX are really complicated. They are very powerful, but I don't think that's what you want...
If I have no choices I can still try, I already tried in the path the tutorial of LWJGL in Java and it was not that complex but very long and I've seen on GitHub that LWJGL should be easier with less GL function to call every time you want to do something
Do you know if Three.kt could work for this ?
I don't know, but it looks like you're going to find out, so please, share your experience with us once you know 🙂
Yeah no problem !
LWJGL is easier than GL but still very pretty low level. libGDX is more of a full fledged engine that helps with input, sound, etc. But also low level. Filament is only a 3D renderer but it's higher level than calling GL or using LWJGL. And of course you could use something like Godot which is probably the easiest.