does anybody know how to get the type (KType / KCl...
# announcements
does anybody know how to get the type (KType / KClass ?) of the embedded value in a value class?
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if (klass.isValueClass) {
  // TODO get type of embedded value for further processing
update - I think I found it:
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if (klass.isValue) {
  val ctor = klass.primaryConstructor ?: error("value class has no primary constructor")
  val valueType = ctor.parameters.firstOrNull()?.type ?: error("value class has no single parameter in constructor")
   // use it
If somebody knows a shorter way I would appreciate
kotlin value classes are planned to allow any number of fields, going along with project valhalla in jvm actually it seems there's a plan to enable that even without valhalla
ah ok - good to know. Is @JvmInline an indication that only a single parameter is allowed?
since I am writing on an typescript generator to map inline classes correctly
In fact, there are legitimate use-cases for “inlined” multi-field value classes support on pre-Valhalla JVM. Consider the following example:
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value class Complex(val re: Double, val im: Double)
so right now, all value classes are single-parameter, but with or without
that restriction will probably disappear
thanks a lot @ephemient
i really appreciate
so if I get it right value classes vs. regular classes are all about controlling whether to use heap or stack allocated memory?
not how I would put it... it's about object identity.
"is there any distinction between
constructed here versus
constructed there"
if the answer is no, then it enables a number of further optimizations... but it's not really about stack vs heap, JVM will box value classes onto the heap in plenty of situations, K/N can place regular classes on the stack as long as escape analysis works...
wow, that makes it a lot clearer on what all it is about … thanks for sharing your knowledge 👍😎