```class SeonApi { companion object { ...
# announcements
Copy code
class SeonApi {
    companion object {
        fun getEmailScore(emailInput: String): String {
            return "hello"
            var request: HttpRequest = HttpRequest.newBuilder()
                .setHeader("X-API-KEY", @Value("\${seon_api_key}")) //***************complained: "Annotation class cannot be instantiated"
            var response: HttpResponse<String> = HttpClient.newHttpClient().send(request, BodyHandlers.ofString())
            return response.body()
This piece of code failed to compile and the debug. Had been spending 30 minutes debuging + googling without any success, anyone has a suggestion?
If it fails to compile, what is the compile error?
Probably unreachable code as you start your function with a
and everything after that can never be reached?
I commented in the code
It said "annotation class cannot be instantiated
Yeah, isn't that obvious?
tries to create an instance of the annotation class
and that cannot work
Annotations bind to the proceeding element (see
for valid targets).
for instance is commonly used to annotate constructor arguments or fields of a class to enable Spring injection. In your case you have no proceeding element, so it's just invalid code. Another, more vanilla way, of achieving what I believe you want is to put your API key as an environment variable and load it with
. Or you could go read up more on how to use Spring 🙂
Tried to understand what you were saying, with some Google around your suggestion and updated the code as follow.
Copy code
companion object {
    fun getEmailScore(emailInput: String): String {
        val seon_api_key: String = ""
        var request: HttpRequest = HttpRequest.newBuilder()
            .setHeader("X-API-KEY", this.seon_api_key)
        var response: HttpResponse<String> = HttpClient.newHttpClient().send(request, BodyHandlers.ofString())
        return response.body()
Now it complains "This annotation is not applicable to target 'local variable'". And I was looking at example on Google, it was callabe inside a function
Sorry for kinda naive question, I dont have experience with Spring prior