anyone come to kotlin from scala or clojure? why d...
# announcements
anyone come to kotlin from scala or clojure? why did you switch
Because kotlin rocks! (I know it's not the answer you're looking for) 😀
1) Kotlin IMO hits just the right balance between expressiveness and readability. 2) 2-way Java interop. 3) Bonus: Multiplatform with first-party support on Android.
I didn't come directly from Scala, but I did use it a couple jobs ago. in a lot of ways, Kotlin has the sane parts of Scala, without the insane parts (either in terms of compiler implementation or JVM impedance mismatches)
i'm mostly comingc from clojure & big data, sort of struggling to like Kotlin at the moment
in part because I perceive the big data industry in so far as the JVM is concerned to continuing to move towards scala, and maybe clojure, but not kotlin
trying to give it a fair shot though, i'm not sure I have specific technical grievances yet, other than the work on the dotty compiler and lambda calculus simplification seemed really well designed
I think that kotlin would look a lot like java is not necessarily a good attribute in my mind since i'm coming from a heavily functional background
although I saw some functional libraries for kotlin
my team wants to use kotlin, but i was thinking of trying to push them towards scala or clojure
You should look into #arrow
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Also #datascience, #kotlindl, #mathematics
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Maybe #kotlin-beam
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For heavily functional, kotlin is ok when combined with Arrow-kt, but Scala, or Clojure may be better choices as they're more functional focused, especially Clojure.
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There are performance issues mixing scala collections with Java collections (no such issue with kotlin) but if you're all scala, it makes no difference.
I've worked with Scala for a few years. I like the language very much but the compilation times were unacceptable.
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I'd suggest talking with the people behind Arrow-kt as well. I seem to recall they used Scala, and moved to Kotlin. Obviously they're very functional, and would have concrete reasons for moving.
@Mike i worked at a company who used clojure and go though i was not required to, i tried to teach myself clojure i was able to write clojure by writing functional kotlin and finding the similar function on clojure (or more correctly asking the experts the relevant one) but i hard a really hard time reading the code one of the devs even told me that if he to vacations for a couple of weeks it was hard to get back to read when he came back
People that use Lisp like languages all the time love them. I haven't used a Lisp like language very much, so struggled with it, and didn't use it long enough for it to be comfortable. But I'm sure we could all learn it, and get comfortable with it. I still remember the first time I saw Scala with its reversed order for variable name. And type. Took awhile to get comfortable, and that's a tiny change in comparison to Lisp.