I haven't fully understood how SAM works. But woul...
# announcements
I haven't fully understood how SAM works. But would it be possible to mix it with enum classes? so instead of having something like this:
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fun interface Ordering {
    fun String.getOrdering(): List<String>

enum class CustomValueCriteriaOrder : Ordering {
        override fun String.getOrdering(): List<String> {
            return emptyList()
I could have
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fun interface Ordering {
    fun String.getOrdering(): List<String>

enum class CustomValueCriteriaOrder : Ordering {
    ALPHABETICALLY { emptyList() }
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fun interface Ordering {
    fun String.getOrdering(): List<String>
enum class CustomValueCriteriaOrder(val ordering: Ordering) {
    ALPHABETICALLY { emptyList() }
Should do the trick.
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fun interface Ordering {
    fun String.getOrdering(): List<String>
enum class CustomValueCriteriaOrder(val ordering: Ordering): Ordering by ordering {
    ALPHABETICALLY { emptyList() }
If you really want the polymorphism.
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fun interface Ordering {
    fun String.getOrdering(): String
enum class CustomValueCriteriaOrder: Ordering {
    ALPHABETICALLY { override fun String.getOrdering() = "sorting rule" },
    OTHER_RULE { override fun String.getOrdering() = "sorting rule" }
enum class UserOrder: Ordering {
    NAME { override fun String.getOrdering() = "sorting rule" }

// Use cases
data class User1(val ordering: Ordering = CustomValueCriteriaOrder.ALPHABETICALLY)
data class User2(val ordering: Ordering = UserOrder.NAME)
This is basically what I want, but then I thought maybe SAM could improve on readability and allow me to remove the
override fun String.getOrdering()
I just noticed that it doesn't compile. This works.
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fun interface Ordering {
    fun String.getOrdering(): List<String>
enum class CustomValueCriteriaOrder(val ordering: Ordering): Ordering by ordering {
    ALPHABETICALLY({ emptyList() })
👍 1
Also, you don't seem to need an enum per se. So this could also work for you.
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fun interface Ordering {
	fun String.getOrdering(): List<String>
object CustomValueCriteriaOrder {
	val ALPHABETICALLY = Ordering { emptyList() }
Thanks, that seems to work perfectly 👍
The enum part is important for me. I'm exposing the enum over graphql, so a client can customize which ordering they want
Hm, may I ask a question, what is the use case for such SAM interface? You define a string extension that can only be used inside
subclasses, you can’t use this extension if you have an instance of
, can you?
I wrote string, but it will in my usecase be a QueryBuilder Object which then I can write custom logic for SQL query generation. The the client can get enum options of what sorting this data should be in. Perfect usecase for having a table view on frontend with pagination where you could press each column header to control the sorting
So for example you received
ordering enum constant, this constant internally defines
extension but you can’t use it from outside. So how do you plan to call
I have built a framework for that. I have a Criteria Interface which all of the different input types that are available for the client, for all types of data. This interface is extended per data type I have in the database, which for each of those ones I will write a custom enum which will use this SAM pattern. Which means I can have this
on my top level criteria interface. And have a single repository that does all SQL Queries and sortings by just calling this function with it's QueryBuilder.
Here's the end result in graphql 😛