We started weekly Kotlin discussions in my company...
# announcements
We started weekly Kotlin discussions in my company. This often involves playing around with some code. What tools are you guys using for this? Options I'm aware of are • screen sharing - does not allow for multiple people to edit • Intellj "code with me" - heavy (e.g. requires install) and seems to loose synchronized view once in a while • codebunk - interview tool, does not support latest Kotlin What I really would like would be a collaborative mode in "play.kotlinlang.org" but that does not seem to exist. Any other suggestions?
doesn't IntelliJ have a new "Code with Me" plugin? https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/code-with-me.html
hey that's cheating 😛
nope. just me being clumsy and pressing "enter" instead of "ctrl+enter"😊🇩🇪
it kinda sounds like what we use for live coding during interviews
those often cost $ tho
just checked this out. More project-oriented than codebunk (which might be good in the long run), but REPL seems rather slow.
This has been a long-term project for us as well. We've done Floobits and Code with me, but for now we're resigned to using Google meet in combination with git commit / git push / git pull
We would need a full-screen share, since we want to work with the UI of the application as well. Tools that operate solely in the IDE don't allow that.
yeah, these interview tools do not allow seeing e.g. mobile emulators. Google meet does not allow execution, so would require lots of copy-and-paste, esp. for little "how would I code this" questions.. or is there some plugin for meet that simplifies that?
The only thing I have seen that comes close is full-screensharing programs allowing multiple cursors, like teamviewer
It's a little rough - there's slight lag between your action and it registering - but if you can adjust to it, I think it's probably the best thing going for virtual pairing.
understood. but also not easy to keep such snippets around and/or refer back to them when using such screen-sharing tools. The interview tools do a reasonable job at that.
of course we could commit them to a "playground" git repo.
Have a look at gitlive
Gitlive looks like floobits and code-with-me. Basically under-the-covers it transmits the changes to the text of the working directory to all participants. But without an ability to access outside-IDE tools and the UI, it's always fallen short.
"codecollab" supports Kotlin 1.4.21 but is really slow in execution and does not support completion etc.
Tuple is great but mac only. (I use tuple, but don't work for them)