Any one official from koltlin community who can an...
# announcements
Any one official from koltlin community who can answer all my questions
Check this slack code of conduct:
This Slack is not an official support channel. It is a place where the community hang out along with some members of the JetBrains/Kotlin team (suffix [JB]). For official support, please use the Kotlin Forums, where messages are also persisted.
but be free to post any questions if they related to kotlin, just find the most appropriate channel
For most questions, you can definitely ask here on Slack, some people are really good and know everything ^^
Okay thanks
BTW, there's a guide to Kotlin for Python developers on Kotlin's official website, you might be interested in it, judging from your profile picture 😉
@CLOVIS Is trying to imply that Andrey Mischenko knows it all about Kotlin 😁
I'm not saying go ping him everytime you have questions since like everyone here, time is limited, but many folks can answer worthy questions in the right channels, be it folks like us, or members of the Kotlin team at times.
Ya agreed, a questions that i want to know for now is a silly one😜, I love laptop stickers that relate to my skills so.......... do kotlin provide such service of giving free kotlin logo stickers like many other programming languages like python do???
@louiscad Oh, I didn't mean anyone specifically, I just think it's better to ask here first rather than bother the JB guys ^^
any answer to my question?
You can get free stickers and other merchandise in your local Kotlin User Group, or if don't have one, it's perfect opportunity to create one 😅
GDGs and/or JUGs also often have Kotlin stickers around since JUGs are often sponsored by JetBrains, and GDGs by Google which is maintaining Android.
@louiscad can u share the link
You can search if there's a KUG, JUG or GDG near you, and ask them.