Hello - will it ever be possible, within Intellij,...
# announcements
Hello - will it ever be possible, within Intellij, to decompile a Kotlin class and set a breakpoint? That is possible in Java. Thanks.
❤️ 1
So the answer seems to be no, unless someone else comes up with a decompiler. 😞
It's definitely not in the near-term plans, but the request is still valid.
To have a class->Kotlin decompiler where you then can set breakpoints and step through? That would be amazing, but I understood from the comments that there will be at most a class->Java decompiler for Kotlin classes. Or do you mean that decompiled source will then be breakpointable / debuggable?
Hm, I'm not sure actually. But before we have some decompiler, it's too early to worry about breakpoints anyway 🙂 Maybe this would be a follow-up feature.
Actually sometimes there is a "Decompile to Java" action and sometimes not. Do you know whent this is available an when not?
You're right. From what I see, it's always available in the file header, at least for several files from Kotlin stdlib. I don't know when it won't show then. Maybe it's worth to file a separate bug report for such a case, if you know it.
I don't know a specific case out of my mind right now, but afair there is an issue about it already.
to be honest I don't mind having .kt -> decompiled java where I can set breakpoints