How would I suppress the "this declaration is expe...
# announcements
How would I suppress the "this declaration is experimental" for unsigned types?
also need to set up gradle to pass -Xopt-in=kotlin.RequiresOptIn to kotlinc
I tried doing that
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tasks.withType(org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.tasks.KotlinCompile).configureEach {
    kotlinOptions { "-Xopt-in=kotlin.ExperimentalUnsignedTypes" }
added this to my gradle
gotta say I find it incredibly confusing to add things to gradle correctly based on the kotlin docs
alright looks like I got it
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tasks.withType(org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.tasks.KotlinCompile).configureEach {
    kotlinOptions {
        freeCompilerArgs += "-Xopt-in=kotlin.ExperimentalUnsignedTypes"