Is there any Plugin that will let me generate func...
# announcements
Is there any Plugin that will let me generate function that creates an instance of
data class
with its default values? For example I have:
Copy code
data class User(
    val id: String,
    val deviceId: String
and plugin will generate:
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fun userOf(
    id: String = "",
    deviceId: String = "",
): User =
        userId = userId,
        deviceId = deviceId,
or something similar? (Sorry if wrong channel)
what is default value of String? btw you can have such function if you add the default value to constructor
Copy code
data class User(
    val id: String = "",
    val deviceId: String = ""
I would say empty string isn’t it? When field is nullable then null, when field is
then 0, etc 🙂 Yea, sure default values in constructor is always an option, but those functions I’m using in unit tests and I wouldn’t like to write default values because of correctness of using them in app (it would be easy to forget to initialize some value, because IDE would allow for it)
I think you mean -> You get a complete option that adds a sensible default + named parameters when adding a class
That looks great, thank you @renatomrcosta! 🙂
✌️ 2