can Libs compiled from 1.4 Mpp Project (android,jv...
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can Libs compiled from 1.4 Mpp Project (android,jvm and js only) be dependencies in 1.3 Mpp (android,jvm and js only) ? I want to know if gradual migration is an option that I have,. By start migrating to some internal libs to 1.4 and move the whole to 1.4 after updating all the dependencies. This might take a while
For Android and JVM, if you set the language level to 1.3 (preventing to use new APIs in the stdlib, and libraries using them), yes.
For JS, I think if you enable the "both" mode, it can work, but I'd ask in #javascript, #multiplatform or check myself and provide the response back here (or better yet, on StackOverflow).