Didn't have luck with this yesterday in <#C0B8MA7F...
# announcements
Didn't have luck with this yesterday in #getting-started , thought I'd try here to get more eyes on it: So, I started toy projects in intellij by creating the regular kotlin application. That was fine, but there was no gradle file that I could find so when I wanted to add dependencies to play around with (arrow), I couldn't figure out how to do it. So then I started a new project, and I picked a gradle project (with the build.gradle.kts file) Now, I can see where to add dependencies, but I can't actually build and run main When I try, I get "Error: Could not find or load main class MainKt". Do I need to add targets to the gradle file? I have sourceSets already...
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import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.tasks.KotlinCompile

plugins {
    kotlin("jvm") version "1.4.0"
    kotlin("kapt") version "1.4.0"

group = "FooBarBaz"
version = "1.0-SNAPSHOT"

repositories {
    maven ("<https://dl.bintray.com/arrow-kt/arrow-kt/>" )

val arrow_version = "0.10.5"

dependencies {

tasks.withType<KotlinCompile> {
    kotlinOptions.jvmTarget = "1.8"
sourceSets.main {
    java.srcDirs("src/main/java", "src/main/kotlin")
My hello world file is in 
this looks like it sets up a java library module
what are you running?
what do you mean by "what am I running" ?
I also tried to setup a new gradle project, btw. And then it immediately fails once the project is created, to sync gradle. I have a red message "Unable to get Gradle home directory", and another error "Protocol message contained an invalid tag (zero)"
if you had
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plugins {
application {
    mainClassName = "MainKt"
then you could run
./gradlew run
, for example
I don't see where how you're trying to execute main
or do you not have a gradle wrapper set up??
I'm only executing things via the IDE
I hit the little "play" button beside main
never did like IDEs… vim and command line all the way
but check the configuration
there should be something in the UI saying "use classpath of module" and "before launch: build"
I don't see anything like that
just to check, you do have gradle wrapper set up, right?
I'm not sure
I literally just created a new gradle project in the IDE
and then edited the build.gradle.kts file mostly from there
I'm honestly confused, why this is so hard to setup a working project from an IDE, for a language coming from an IDE company
When I create a new project as well, the gradle version is 4.10.3 by default, which is too old to work with this version of kotlin?!? So i have to change something to make it work...
had to feed the path to gradle 6.6.1 in the gradle-wrapper.properties
I created a new Kotlin Gradle project this weekend and it defaulted to Gradle 6.4 I think. you're running the latest IntelliJ?
Yeah I upgraded intellij, I thought I already had
I hope that helps with some of these things