Hey there, how can I use R8 in a multiplatform pro...
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Hey there, how can I use R8 in a multiplatform project that target jvm? Anyone?
There seems to be a mention of an R8 gradle plugin here: https://developer.android.com/studio/build/shrink-code But be warned... in my experience few to ZERO plugins play nicely with multiplatform project... which is the main reason I dropped the multiplatform plugin and opted to use gradle subprojects instead... very happy with that decision.
Thanks @Gunslingor
How do I shrink code for the JVM itself? Not android but kotlin/jvm application?
I think protools in the standard, but that's on my list to learn... never used it
wait that might be music software, lol, let me think
I always forget the name of it... pro something... or something like that.
oooh, its actually mentioned in the link I already send you... proguard I think... Think that is a gradle plugin to https://www.guardsquare.com/en/products/proguard Yeah, so quite literally the link I sent answers your question... except obviously minus multiplatform... if you can get them to play nicely together good luck! post it online cause I find only trial and error works when getting another plugin to work with multiplatform./
Thanks once again. I saw proguard on the link you sent. I just assumed it a toolthat was used before android 3.6 as it is stated that they started using R8 from 3.6. Either way, thank you for directing me to it. I am taking a deep look into proguard, perhaps i can make it play nice with MPP
cool... start a stack overflow question if you figure it out! inquiring minds wanna know. And thanks for showing me R8, never heard of it.