I don't think Kotlin is interpreted, doesn't it ne...
# announcements
I don't think Kotlin is interpreted, doesn't it need to be compiled to a Java program before running? And then that incurs JVM startup costs and all that...
Looks promising (taking time to boot up jvm)... is there any way kotlin scripts be natively compiled (i've downloaded and used native compiler tho but it seems to compile it to a jvm code because I see i can import java packages like java.io.File) uwu?
Doesn't native compilation take even longer? (I've never used the compiler though!)
I really don't know but I think the jvm boot time could be the issue....
Tried benchmarking a compiler run to make sure?
graalvm is aiming (and succeeding) at optimizing startup time, but so far at the cost of compilation time. if at that you add the extra time needed to compile kotlin wrt java, yeah, scripting in java/kotlin might not be ideal. people at #scripting probably know better though
@thanksforallthefish That still could be useful for frequently-run scripts, though! If you have some way of reusing past compiler runs...