Kotlin is the best funny addictive and simple lang...
# announcements
Kotlin is the best funny addictive and simple languages I ever seen I ❤️ K but Who does invented the kotlin (the people) not a company (JetBrains)
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What do you mean? Kotlin was invented and developed by people in JetBrains… https://blog.jetbrains.com/kotlin/2015/11/the-kotlin-language-1-0-beta-is-here/
I guess the question is about who were the people behind the core team
i know jetbrains invented the kotlin but my question was the people behind jetbrains as @Sandesh Baliga
@abreslav was the lead dev, maybe he can tell you who were the others involved 🙂
I can’t list all the people who contributed to the design, it would be too many. I and Maxim Shafirov (the present CEO of JetBrains) did the bulk of the initial design back in 2010-11, and then there were very many ideas from various people. I lead all the language design efforts ever since, this does not include libraries. Roman Elizarov is leading the entire coroutines effort, he also suggested to add null-safety to Kotlin at the very early stage, even before joining the team. Ilya Ryzhenkov, Dmitry Jemerov and later Stanislav Erokhin participated in a lot of design discussions for 1.0. It’s many more people who were involved at various stages, and I’m afraid I’ve forgotten someone who made a big contribution. Apologies in advance.
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@abreslav wow your job is amazing , kotlin is not just language is the way of inspiration. i have tested many languages but i have never seen this kind of flexible , easy to understand , funny and addictive language.i cannot describe how helpful it is wow!! thanks!
❤️ 1
Thanks for your kind words
I agree with Ananiya, Kotlin is really a pleasure to use! I’ve been programming for work for 15 years now, and used many languages, and previously the only one that gave me the same feeling was Python.