Has anyone run into the problem of extremely long ...
# announcements
Has anyone run into the problem of extremely long compileKotlin steps? I have a ktor app that is taking 10 mins in the compileKotlin gradle step. On occasion, builds will take the normal amount of time, but more often than not, I am stuck in the hell of a 10 min build time -- even after simple code changes in a single file I have a 16 core, 64GB MBP, so it is not a question of compute resources. I am able to rebuild other Kotlin projects in the expected amount of time. It is just a single ktor app that is giving me grief. Incredibly, the same project was compiling fine a few days ago. I have tried multiple JVMs and multiple machines (my travis builds are timing out after 11 mins). I have also tweaked every gradle build option I could find, but to no avail. Any thoughts or ideas would be greatly appreciated.
If it worked fine a few days ago, do a git bisect
you could try building the last version that did not timeout on travis and if that one still builds fast investigate what changed from there
Also consider clearing the gradle cache.
Clearing the gradle cache did the trick. Thanks.