For SpringBoot Kotlin, any recommended frontend an...
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For SpringBoot Kotlin, any recommended frontend and database?
Writing a SpringBoot app in Kotlin doesn't makes it radically different from one written in Java! It all depends on what you are trying to build ; if it's a Single Page WebApp, you'll probably need one of the following front-ends frameworks to interact via REST APIs: Angular, React, Vue. Regarding the database, its either relational (PostgreSQL, MariaDB, Oracle...) or NoSQL (MongoDB, CouchBase, Cassandra...)
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or just don’t try to build rest api that will make your app more complex if you don’t need to thymeleaf pages are good enough for self-contained webapps
i don’t understand this trend of providing rest apis by default KISS
I suspect because they offer a lot more flexibility and allow a FE team to work independently of a BE
i don’t understand the separation of FE/BE teams that on the paper seem to work in parallel but in the end requires the same time as development for integration 😉
you optimize for what you measure...
It doesn’t have to be separate teams, but not everyone is full stack or even just an expert on either side. If I provide a bunch of REST APis, FE devs can use them in any way they want to generate the FE and aren’t reliant upon someone from the BE making changes to support them. REST APIs can also be interacted with by other systems and are way easier to debug. If you have a team where everyone is sufficiently skilled in both areas then awesome, use an integrated solution, but IME that just isn’t the case
You say KISS as well like an integrated solution is easier, is there actual evidence to support that? My standpoint would be separate FE/BE systems that interact via REST is easier than an integrated solution
having two teams requires coordination i hope this is enough evidence 😉 if not, well, why should i bear the burden of proof? since you know studies in your industry are close to 0 if you need to interact with other systems, sure REST is a solid approach in the absence of such requirement, i’m questioning the REST-by-default herd mentality
not every company has the resources to hire FE experts who deals with javascript most cases, a simple webapp with templating is more than enough then, sprinkle some CSS
appreciated the suggestions you guys given
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