Hello everyone, I am getting a very strange issue ...
# announcements
Hello everyone, I am getting a very strange issue when testing my Kotlin code. The following code:
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val lexer = // an instance of LixyLexer, line 180
val exc = assertFailsWith<LixyException> {
assert(exc.message!!.contains("token ends"))
causes this exception:
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java.lang.VerifyError: JVMVRFY027 récepteur incompatible avec la classe déclarante; classe=guru/zoroark/lixy/LixyTest$Lixy incoherent matcher results cause exception (end is too far)$lexer$1, méthode=invoke(Lguru/zoroark/lixy/LixyDslEnvironment;)V, pc=26
Exception Details:
    guru/zoroark/lixy/LixyTest$Lixy incoherent matcher results cause exception (end is too far)$lexer$1.invoke(Lguru/zoroark/lixy/LixyDslEnvironment;)V @26: JBinvokevirtual
    Type 'guru/zoroark/lixy/LixyTest$Lixy incoherent matcher results cause exception (end is too far)$lexer$1$1' (current frame, stack[1]) is not assignable to 'guru/zoroark/lixy/LixyDslEnvironment'
  Current Frame:
    bci: @26
    flags: { }
    locals: { 'guru/zoroark/lixy/LixyTest$Lixy incoherent matcher results cause exception (end is too far)$lexer$1', 'guru/zoroark/lixy/LixyDslEnvironment', '[Z' }
    stack: { 'guru/zoroark/lixy/LixyDslEnvironment', 'guru/zoroark/lixy/LixyTest$Lixy incoherent matcher results cause exception (end is too far)$lexer$1$1' }
	at guru.zoroark.lixy.LixyTest.Lixy incoherent matcher results cause exception (end is too far)(LixyTest.kt:180)
	at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
However, I am unable to replicate this on my CI environment, everything works fine there... Any ideas?
Please consider filing an issue at http://kotl.in/issue with a self-contained code example to reproduce. Thanks!