``` val stepsize = piv.size() / Runt...
# announcements
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val stepsize = piv.size() / Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()
                (0 until piv.size() ) .step(  stepsize).map {
                    it until minOf(piv.size(),it+stepsize)                       
is there an easier way of getting chunked IntRange sequences ?
last i checked that's no sequnce
I miss the sequence word.
my intranges are in the millions. all the options use List<T>. my solution uses a List<T> as well, but my cpu count is not in the millions 
for-loops ftw i guess.
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sequence {
                    for (first in 0 until piv.size() step stepsize) {
                        yield(async {
                            for (iy in first until minOf(piv.size(), first + stepsize)) {
                            } }) } }
If what you’re looking for is a
, why not:
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fun IntRange.subRanges(chunkSize: Int) = sequence {
    for (i in this@subRanges step chunkSize) {
        yield(i until minOf(last, i + chunkSize))
You may then use it this way to get your sequence:
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val stepsize = piv.size() / Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()

(0 until piv.size()).subRanges(stepSize)
I believe it shows better what you’re doing in the business code, rather than mixing the index calculations with the business.
there are 2.8 million ints to allocate, fill, and iterate for the unit test. these rows contain 9800 columns each
oh i see extension function, nicely done.
I don’t see how this makes any difference, there is only as many `IntRange`s as available processors created here, the `IntRange`s don’t contain all millions of integers, just the bounds.
Ah yes I didn’t realize
was iterable and therefore already had a
method, I’ll rename it to avoid confusion.
i read your two seperate stanzas of code as two unrelated topics, particularly the ned sentence looks like an argument for code clarity over sequences until i noticed /chunked is your extension sequence.
👍 2
Maybe this would be even better for your use case:
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fun IntRange.split(nSubRanges: Int) = sequence {
    val subSize = (last - first) / nSubRanges
    for (i in this@split step subSize) {
        yield(i..minOf(last, i + subSize - 1))
I haven’t tested that, there may be off by one errors 🙂 but at least it encapsulates the initial division as well
.. has a track record of off by one for me. that said, "until size" is the best thing i've seen in my career after getting acclimated.
from the
range requires me to use
otherwise you don’t get the very last value
this gives me some distrust for whether
is my piv.size() or it--
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yield(i..minOf(last, i + subSize - 1))     (edit: woops!)
so reading the IntRange source really just deepens the distrust a bit by explaining "last" is clearly /just/
public val last: Int = getProgressionLastElement(start.toInt(), endInclusive.toInt(), step).toInt()
yield(i until minOf(last, i + chunkSize))
floats its definitely preferable of the two.
endinclusive is in fact piv.size() so
i.. (min(...)/*=last*/)
would be overflow.
i think this is a proof that
until (i + chunkSize)
i..(i + chunkSize-1)
are equal and with the above, statement, we can drop the -1 form
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fun IntRange.subRanges(chunkSize: Int) = sequence {
    for (i in this@subRanges step chunkSize) {
        yield(i until minOf(last, i + chunkSize))    }}
wins the beauty pagent. will live next to
typealias Vect0r<T>=Pai2/*interface pair tuple*/<()->Int,(Int)->T>
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infix operator fun IntRange.div(denominator: Int): Vect0r<IntRange> = (this to last / denominator).let { (intRange, step) ->
    Vect0r(denominator.`⟲`) { x: Int -> assert(denominator > x,  "$x index greater of $denominator".`⟲`)
                (step * x) until Math.min(intRange.last, x+step) } }

fun IntRange.subRanges(chunkSize: Int=this.step) =
    let { sequence { for (i in it step chunkSize) yield(i until minOf(last, i + chunkSize)) } }
endinclusive is in fact piv.size() so
i.. (min(...)/*=last*/)
would be overflow.
This has to be wrong. Last must be the last element of the range, not the size.
should be the complete range.
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val r = 5..12
println(r.last) // 12
val arr = arrayOf(1, 2, 3)
println(arr.indices.last) // 2 
// prints the last index, not size
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fun IntRange.split(nSubRanges: Int) = run {
    val i1 = this.count()
    val subSize = i1 / nSubRanges  
    sequence {
        for (i in this@split step subSize) {
            yield(i..minOf(last, i + subSize - 1))
this seems to reflect nSubranges more accurately
count() is cheap for collections but IntRange is no colllection. 😞
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fun IntRange.split(nSubRanges: Int) = run {
                val subSize = (last - first +(1- first)) / nSubRanges
                sequence {
                    for (i in this@split step subSize) {
                        yield(i..minOf(last, i + subSize - 1))                    }                }            }
this definitely bears testing outside of my immediate usecases for which it seems to work.