There are 2 methods of creating empty collections,...
# announcements
There are 2 methods of creating empty collections, e.g. for a set: 1.
I know these two are equivalent (implementation is identical), but what is the more idiomatic Kotlin way? Is there any reason why 2 solutions exist for the same issue? I know this question might sound silly but we have a code base where both ways are used and want to get rid of one of them once and for all.
setOf takes a vararg which is why you can ommit any params, but if your intention is to create a set without any elements, emptySet is probably the correct way
use setOf() wherever you are actually using something where you don't know if the standard size of that set might be bigger than 0 in the future, so in the future you could theoretically have: setOf("someValue", "someOtherValue") emptySet() is an explicit empty set. Use this if this is truly the intention of your logic.
@Hanno nope, here is setOf implementation:
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public inline fun <T> setOf(): Set<T> = emptySet()
that's just filler code because varargs takes additional bytes/logic. This ensures that setOf without arguments is still as fast as possible
@Michael de Kaste
creates a read only set, so it won't get bigger in the future.
it's the same reason why, in java, I know that some standard libraries they make functions for every size up to 10 or something
@marstran, yes I know. I used the example to show that maybe you don't know in the future of the intention of the set would be to always be empty at first. e.g; val invalidStrings = setOf() maybe in the future you might want to change this standard set to setOf("thisIsInvalid", "thisToo")
I would discourage the use of
in general.
👍 1
Only when you're doing something like
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val someSpecialStrings = setOf(
The problem is that without any parameters, the element type can't be inferred, so there's little point having this function.
Function should be
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setOf(first: T, vararg ensuing: T)
Dont know why they decided against it. Other than that: emptySet() is most likely a fallback of some sort. So best be explicit and call it emptySet(). The empty immedeately conveys the meaning ``````
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