Hello I am pretty new to Functional Programming of...
# announcements
Hello I am pretty new to Functional Programming of Kotlin. I am currently using Reactor for my project It is difficult to work in streams because once the instances of the stream changes it form, I can’t use the instances before change. ex) • Flux<AClass> -> Flux<BClass> -> SomeFunction that needs instances of AClass If above situation happens, I had to find AClass instances again, so the stream would go like • Flux<AClass> -> Flux<BClass> -> Flux<AClass> which I think is redundant and DB-work-expensive So I came up with this Idea to store the value of AClass, and then use it later without getting back.
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fun someFunction(something: Foo): Mono<Foo> {
        var zoo: Foo = Foo();

                .doOnNext { zoo = functionThatReturnsZoo() } // change the value of zoo
                .flatMap { ... }
                .flatMap { fooRepository.save(zoo) } // use zoo
Will this be functional too?
I think you should do something like this
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return Mono.fromCallable(functionThatReturnsZoo() }
   .flatMap { ... }
   .doOnNext { fooRepository.save(it) }
but maybe you should describe a little bit more what you are trying to do. At the moment it's not very clear for me.
Thanks Boris, I have updated my question. Could you please kindly check? Thanks
What you need is the
method. You can then change one object to another. Like:
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  .map { functionThatReturnsZoo(it) }
  .map { doSomethingElesWithIt(it) }
those methods can return any object you need, and it will be passed down the stream
ah, sorry ... i understood now what you need
if you need to keep the instance i would put it in a
or some custom class
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  .map { Pair(it, functionThatReturnsZoo(it)) }
  .map { Pair(it.first, doSomethingElse(it.second) }
👍 3
But what if I want to go much further?
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 .map { Pair(it, functionThatReturnsZoo(it)) }
 .map { Pair(it.first, doSomethingElse(it.second) 
 .map { Pair(it.first, doSomethingElse(it.second) }
 .map { Pair(it.first, doSomethingElse(it.second) }
Do I have to carry until the end?
It maybe somehow possible to branch out the steam and then merge or again. But I'm afraid I'm not very experienced with FP to tell how exactly