It's not terrible that I have to use SAM syntax, a...
# announcements
It's not terrible that I have to use SAM syntax, and most of the time I can take a Kotlin function instead; this is just me being curious about why the compiler is preventing the trailing lambda call in one place vs. another.
Also note that this feature works only for Java interop; since Kotlin has proper function types, automatic conversion of functions into implementations of Kotlin interfaces is unnecessary and therefore unsupported.
I don't think this is the same thing. I'm not implementing a Kotlin interface.
is from the Java stdlib.
(I've also looked at KT-7770, which again is only about Kotlin interfaces with a single abstract method.)
It makes me wonder if there's special-casing for the Streams API + Function, or something like that.
And that announcement you linked is also about defining your own interfaces, which is not what's going on in that code sample.
(although I do think that's good news)
I thought you were accidentally using the Kotlin
interface, my bad.
It's not the variance either,
f: Function<in Int, out Int>
still doesn't work.
It's weird, right?
I've had a devil of a time asking people about this because everyone thinks I'm talking about KT-7770. 😆
Yeah I apologize for annoying you even more :).
It looks like
works too, but that could just be special cased as well.
If I make a library that exposes something like
, it doesn't work. But that's still a Kotlin-compiled library, so maybe there's some trace of that in the compiled code...
I'll have to find a java library that takes Function and see what the compiler says about calling that.
Ah... Google Guava has some, and I can't use trailing lambda with those! So I think the Java stdlib is special-cased. Example:
Copy code
        Function<Int, Int> { it * 2 },
        Function<Int, Int> { it * 2 },
        Function<Int, Int> { it * 2 }
The only mention I could find in the compiler is this, but I'm not sure if it's related at all:
I'll try setting up the compiler for debugging tomorrow, should be interesting.
Update: I've been told this is actually