no one has mentioned Space?? looked really good to...
# announcements
no one has mentioned Space?? looked really good to me.. although perhaps a tad preliminary.. other thoughts?
10/10 would love to use it. 10/10 don't see it ever happening due to how entrenched into microsoft and atlassian any big org I have worked for has been. meanwhile atlassian can't be trusted due to their cert being leaked and microsoft claims teams is better than slack because they push it on anyone with o365 ><
i'm alredy sign it to test it, looks great
did they say what happens to hub/upsource/youtrack/teamcity? seems like space will replace and/or wrap them.
I fear @trevjones is correct. It is going to be very very hard to wean established (large) teams off of their MS/Atlassian/etc tool-sets… But if you are starting out or are looking for a new tool-set, it looks very promising. Maybe Space will provide integrations with existing tools such as JIRA/GitHub/Confluence/etc… in the future?
another element is compliance with PCI/HIPPA/others
@trevjones no they did not, I have been using YouTrack for almost a decade!
I do not agree that it will be hard to ween people away, I think Slack is a perfect exmaple of something that solved a problem, but that was all they had, there’s SO MUCH MORE it should be doing and is not
the Space demo was a tad silly in places
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the floormap so he could find his associates? uh, dude, this is your critical window to impress us, do not fill it with dryer lint
but, I could see the JB team absolutely shellacking Slack and then not having to win people over
think Subversion -> Git
like a Kuhnian Paradigm Shift
(when I saw that’s what they announced, per my prediction on reddit, I wanted to search the archives here cause I was egging them on to do that years ago, and a bunch of the elders were telling me slack was great, I was like ‘wait, what??’.. 🙂 )
Well, pricing might win companies over, jira + github + slack + ci/cd + package repo surely costs lot more per user than space
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@streetsofboston I am pretty sure they said at the end that they will have plugins, there’s literally no way they could not
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I thought that too
I thought the final pricing slide was kind of confusing
but good, because the free tier was about storage and message constraints, not numbers of projects, as I recall
then the next one up was $8 per seat, which is less than Slack is now
also what about an 10K+ org, where only 1k or less need IDE's
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The point was made that this could be used for orgs that are not doing software
which of course is really smart
well I am kind of wrong, there are ‘app’ limits, but they are very generous
that is all for hosted options too. I wonder what it looks like for the self hosted options. certainly the bandwidth, ci credits, storage go out the window at that point
the fact that it’s written in Kotlin is reassuring too, hopefully means it could get a lot bigger without collapsing
@trevjones I am going to want self-hosted actually
I think when Slack mentioned in their SR1 that they hold onto people’s data even if they delete it or quit, a dark cloud settled over them..
if they got hacked a whole lot of blackmail could ensue
in my mind slacks entire model is in owning others data. "come try for free, its fun" -> "oh you want to see old stuff, pay up".
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you know this app could never really become more than it is.. there’s no way out of the little rat maze its made for itself.. that was the best thing about space, the idea not only that the chats could be woven into planning, meetings, etc., but that chats could spawn contextually on their own, and ostensibly, be preserved in other parts of the record of what happened (e.g. reviews)…
yup, this can also venture to replace things like code stream, which is sort of what upsource does as well. and upsource works great with github (been a few years since I used it* )
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one of the words
that caught my attention during the preso was automation, have been doing a project for a while now that has a lot of parts to it, and runs on aws, and jesus the automation part of it is exhausting.. CloudFormation, aws-cdk, CodePipeline, etc., and it all ends up feeling like waking back up into the ant era of Java…
done well, this could well be the "be all, end all" tool. worst case it turns into the nightmare of "big bad jenkins" where no one dares change anything or the whole thing goes down and all work stops
well especially if
I could at least write my own plugins, for whatever automation piece, but then still have one place with a dashboard where everything resides together.. yeah there were a ton of possibilties, I was surprised that they didn’t show that you could have a project wiki, they showed a blog, which is fantastic, but a wiki too would be great, then they are also a potential threat to GitHub..
I feel like the whole thing is an implicit wiki replacement. most work wiki's end up being glue or a map between the information silo's anyway. its a brave problem space they are taking on
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Copy code
Well, pricing might win companies over, jira + github + slack + ci/cd + package repo surely costs lot more per user than space
Why JIRA tho? Didn't see much project management related there. GitHub has Issues for ages and it replaced nothing. Confluence, on the other hand, is quite possible to be covered by Blogs.
there is a "planning" bullet on the blog post, so I figure that is part of the jira overlap
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@ghedeon wait, what did you not see? I think there for sure are tickets, and assignments, etc., so YT, and code review so Upsource.. I doubt they threw those things out, if they are thinking this will just have light versions of those, that would be a disaster, but I highly doubt that…
that said, yeah I did not see a Kanban, or drilling from a ticket down into corresponding code.. but maybe they are thinking new lighter simpler tools are in order.. I would again be surprised if Kanban is out, but..
go scroll through the space product page
there is totally a kanban in the issues thing
don’t see it, but happy to hear.. !
wonder if they did the mobile apps in K, must have
those look nice
found it:
another question mark: screenshare
as in video conf or more like IDE pair programming?
yeah pairing like
they want $25 per person per month!
not that that’s that high but when you compare it to $8 on the pricing sheet JB showed it’s pretty absurd
Where do you see $25? I see $8 for Team, $20 (free during EAP) for Org. Just like their slide.
Jira + Confluence on Cloud for 20 Users on Standard is $240/month. Building a suite that matches Space will cost a lot more than space. So some orgs might be convinced just on price. But Enterprises don't seem to care/worry that much about this, and they won't be interested until Server versions are available. But for small/mid-size firms, this is very interesting.
I was saying is $25 per person per month for JUST screensharing!
Ahh, yes, I see that now. Didn't put your 'paragraphs' together first time I read it. Sorry.