I want to declare an array of objects for a clas...
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I want to declare an array of objects for a class and then declare its properties and use the getter statement to assign a value to another property using the declared properties, I understood what is being asked but I am sure about the syntax, help me out
I don’t understand what you’re asking, can you provide the code you wrote?
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class Spice(var Spicename:String,var Spiceness:String="Mild"){

    println("Spice name is ${Spicename)} and Spiciness is ${Spiceness}")
val s= listOf<Spice>()
I want a another parameter heat which would be assigned a value according to data in list
For example if spiceness is "Mild" than heat would be 5
have you tried writing a function that compute that value?
So I will create a list where each level of spiceness has heat value and get will assign it to heat property
Hope you understood What I said
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Create a new class, Spice.
Pass in a mandatory String argument for the name, and a String argument for the level of spiciness where the default value is mild for not spicy.
Add a variable, heat, to your class, with a getter that returns a numeric value for each type of spiciness.
Instead of the list of spices as Strings you used earlier, create a list of Spice objects and give each object a name and a spiciness level.
Add an init block that prints out the values for the object after it has been created. Create a spice.
Create a list of spices that are spicy or less than spicy. Hint: Use a filter and the heat property.
Because salt is a very common spice, create a helper function called makeSalt().
This the question
please help out I know this is long but help me out
You can try something like this
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val heat: Int
    get() {
        // implement your logic
how to write the list
the syntax....
if you want a list you can use
listOf(1, 2, 3)
If you need the syntax you should refer to the documentation https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/collections-overview.html#list