Is there more cleaner way to achive something like...
# announcements
Is there more cleaner way to achive something like this (template = Spring transaction template)
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transactionTemplate.execute {
            val bar = doSomethingTransactional()
            if (bar) {
                { doSomethingOutsideTransaction(bar) }
            } else {
                { doSomethingElseOutsideTransaction() }
So that part of the code is run inside transaction and some part of code is run outside transaction (with data found inside transaction). Example is simplified a lot from real use case so bear with me.. :)
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fun <T> TransactionTemplate.executeWithCallback(action: () -> () -> T): T? {
        return this.execute { action.invoke() }?.invoke()
this would guide to return a function and would invoke it if available
I see that
returns the result of the callback. Can't you just do this?
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val bar = transactionTemplate.execute {

if (bar) {
} else {
yes but the problem is that non-transactional functions take mixed number of different parameters that then should be all returned from execute, but my simplified example does not show this
so it's more like
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transactionTemplate.execute {
            val bar = doSomethingTransactional()
            if (bar) {
                { doSomethingOutsideTransaction(bar) }
            } else {
                val foo = ...
                val baz = ...
                { doSomethingElseOutsideTransaction(foo, baz) }
Then I would use a sealed class I think. For example:
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sealed class BarResult
data class WithBar(bar: Bar) : BarResult
data class WithoutBar(foo: Foo, baz: Baz): BarResult

val res = transactionTemplate.execute {
  val bar = doSomethingTransactional()
  if (bar) WithBar(bar)
  else WithoutBar(foo, baz)

when(res) {
 is WithBar -> doSomethingOutsideTransaction(
 is WithoutBar -> doSomethingElseOutsideTransaction(, res.baz)
nice 👍