Hey guys! What's your usual take on having more th...
# announcements
Hey guys! What's your usual take on having more than one class in the same file? I want to extract a piece of code from a complex class to a less-complex class and call it another service. However, this class will only be used by the class I'm extracting, and I don't really want to pollute the package namespace with a class that's not useful anywhere else. Should I keep it inside the same file?
👌 9
I definitely would.
I'd usually do that as well, but I have people complaining about having 2 classes inside the same file
Placing multiple declarations (classes, top-level functions or properties) in the same Kotlin source file is encouraged
I think this sums my question up xD
👏 1
hahaha yeah
people often feel uncomfortable when you break from tradition, but if you’d only ever delete both types at the same time 🤷‍♂️ why not be honest and keep them together
I pretty much look at this in the same way I do with static inner classes in Java. I just move them to the top-level instead of keeping them inside the associated class
What about their test classes? Would you keep both test classes at the same file as well?
Yeah, probably. Typically, additional classes I create like this are just data classes and I don’t usually make unit tests for those
For my specific case I have a part of the main flow of a class that has way too much rules and I'll extract those rules into another smaller and testable class
A lot of people leave java, but Java doesnt leave them
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💯 3
I write many classes in a single file. For example, a
file will contain all the model classes for Movie, other related classes, and the movie list API request and response models.