I am having some issues with library <https://gith...
# announcements
I am having some issues with library https://github.com/uchuhimo/konf in test classes import works fine, while in main intellij says unresolved reference 😞
Copy code
implementation "com.uchuhimo:konf:0.20.0"
same issue here...
IDE doesn't include the dependency
did you solve it?
No 😞
Did you found a fix for that lemme know!
I sent an email to the githib account
no answers so far
but hey
i think we need to include also konf-core
i was including just konf-hocon but it doesn't include the core
so his documentation is confusing
I will retry this evening
@coder82 Yeah including konf-core worked, but like its weird that imports in test case were working so like its really confusing to figure out what was the problem, thanks anyways, you saved my day. Cheers 🙂
It is weird actually tbh 😛
That's exactly what I mean
it's really misleading that "+"
but hey it's free, let's not complain too much
he's done a great job
The funny thing is that i try to load an hocon file and the config is always empty
I abandoned it... it's really weird, nothing works as intended, the guy must not be good at documenting 😄
doesn't make sense to me