Good morning. I have this stupid problem with gene...
# announcements
Good morning. I have this stupid problem with generics-vs-overloading-vs-varargs in JOOQ. While following code:
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public class GenericsJava {
  public static Condition testJooqGenerics(Table<?> table, List<Object> list) {
    Field<Object> myColumn = table.field("MY_COLUMN", Object.class);
    return <|>(list);
works well in Java, the Kotlin version
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object GenericsKotlin {
    fun testJooqGenerics(table: Table<*>, list: List<Any?>?): Condition {
        val myColumn: Field<Any> = table.field("MY_COLUMN",
        return myColumn.`in`(list)
yelds Overload resolution ambiguity:
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@Support public abstract fun `in`(vararg p0: Any!): Condition! defined in org.jooq.Field
@Support public abstract fun `in`(p0: (Mutable)Collection<*>!): Condition! defined in org.jooq.Field
Is there any way to work around this API issue?
(obviously, when the type is anything but
, e.g.
, it works great)
Can you add your import statements?
sure, it's
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package test.generics

import org.jooq.Condition
import org.jooq.Field
import org.jooq.Table
plus java.util.List and semicolons in java version 🙂
Ok, I found the solution in case anyone needs it sometime in the future: reified generics.
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object GenericsKotlin {
    inline fun <reified T> testJooqGenericsInline(table: Table<*>, list: List<T>): Condition {
        val myColumn: Field<T> = table.field("MY_COLUMN",
        return myColumn.`in`(list)

    fun testJooqGenerics(table: Table<*>, list: List<Any>): Condition {
        return testJooqGenericsInline(table, list)