Hey All , I am trying to write tests for a Kotlin ...
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Hey All , I am trying to write tests for a Kotlin MPP - for iOS testing found using a simulator - https://github.com/JetBrains/kotlin-native/issues/2426 -
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task iosTest {
    def device = project.findProperty("iosDevice")?.toString() ?: "iPhone 8"
    dependsOn 'linkTestDebugExecutableIos'
    group = JavaBasePlugin.VERIFICATION_GROUP
    description = "Runs tests for target 'ios' on an iOS simulator"

    doLast {
        def binary = kotlin.targets.ios.compilations.test.getBinary('EXECUTABLE', 'DEBUG')
        def infoPlistSrc = file("$rootProject.projectDir/src/iosTest/resources/Info.plist")
        def infoPlistDest = file("$binary.parentFile/Info.plist")

        Files.copy(infoPlistSrc.toPath(), infoPlistDest.toPath(), StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING)

        exec {
            commandLine 'export', 'SIMCTL_CHILD_CFNETWORK_DIAGNOSTICS=3'
            commandLine 'xcrun', 'simctl', 'spawn', device, binary.absolutePath
- this simulator runs in a terminal and executes the tests. But I can't find any reports generated by it(html/xml ). Is it possible to have reports generated by this simulator ? or is there any other way to generate reports while unit testing a Kotlin iOS output ? . Pls help
I made a quick/dirty sed file you can use to convert their test output to junit https://gist.github.com/benasher44/b3cdf4060d4eac24eff85ef08816ffc0
it has some flaws: - If you add prints to your test, that can screw it up - Test durations are not included in the xml output
but, we've been using it since I created it, and it's served us well as a stopgap 🙂
In the above code we update the command line arguments as
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'xcrun', 'simctl', 'spawn', device, binary.absolutePath + --ktest_logger=GTEST | sed -E -f kn_gtest_to_junit.sed
. ?
it's a bit more complex. you have to setup a pipe:
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doLast {
        def originalOutputFile = 'test_report.txt'
        def reportFile = project.findProperty('jUnitReportFile')
        def isReportingToFile = (reportFile != null)
        def outputStream = reportFile == null ? System.out : new FileOutputStream(originalOutputFile)
        def testTask = exec {
            executable 'xcrun'
            args = [
            standardOutput = outputStream
            ignoreExitValue = isReportingToFile
        if (isReportingToFile) {
            exec {
                executable 'sed'
                args = [
                standardOutput = new FileOutputStream(reportFile)
            if (testTask.exitValue != 0) {
                throw new GradleException("Tests failed. Exit code: ${testTask.exitValue}. See test report for more info.")
You could also move some of this into a shell script and just invoke that from gradle 🙂
Hi - thanks for the suggestions🙂 - Sry for trying this late . what is
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def reportFile = project.findProperty('jUnitReportFile')
. I am getting it's value as null
ah yes this is where we want the file to be stored. it's up to you. for that, you can specify it on the cli to gradlew with
or you can just replace that with a hard-coded path
def reportFile = 'path_to_final_xml'
oh ok🙂 - thanks again!!!!