Is there any reason why Kotlin chooses Double as d...
# announcements
Is there any reason why Kotlin chooses Double as default type for decimals over Float?
1) Because Kotlin is strongly inspired by Java, and Java uses Doubles for decimal literals 2) are there any other modern languages that use Float by default instead of Double? I can’t think of any off the top of my head
IMHO, the only advantage for using Float over Double is that they use 2 times less memory. But you may prefer precise calculations to using less memory, even when running on a basic Android phone with 1 Go of RAM.
That amount of memory would be negligible for most applications. It’s much more practical to assume that large numbers are a more likely problem than running out of memory on todays computers.
python calls it float, but it is double
No, they're both floating point, the 32 bit/64 bits versions are called single and double precision.