Kotlin is not synonym with Android! Kotlin is a g...
# announcements
Kotlin is not synonym with Android! Kotlin is a great solution for backend programming, building REST/GraphQL/… API with spring, spring boot, http4k, ktor, vertx, … Kotlin can be used for fullstack frontend/backend, for command-line apps, multiplatform iOS-Android, browser extensions, data science, desktop apps with TornadoFX. Did I forget something important? Please comment
Context: I am frustrated to receive only Android offers when I put Kotlin knowledge on my profiles https://kotlinlang.slack.com/archives/C0B8RC352/p1571473061060000
The problem is, Kotlin gained ground through android. For everything else there is just some tech stacks that don't use kotlin that are just better especially with the lack of traction in those areas. Im doing alright with kotlin for backend but for frontend its miles behind any of the other options so why would companies bother.
We are using Kotlin in our backend servers at Expedia Group. We even have a open source library for running a GraphQL server in Kotlin. We are seeing lots of benefits from the language to aid developers in their day to day work. https://github.com/ExpediaGroup/graphql-kotlin
Is there a list of companies using Kotlin on the backend somehwere? We could use some social validation 🙂
This may be something Jetbrains could ask in their next census. (Last one from December 2018 to March 2019) The last one had a question about company size. Which gives you some idea of where it is being used https://www.jetbrains.com/research/kotlin-census-2018/
@Alina Dolgikh [JB] it seems that you were doing the Kotlin census last year. Do you think that would be possible? To have a list of companies that are ready to say publicly that they use Kotlin? On a voluntary basis obviously
Hi! There are about a dozen of companies listed on kotlinlang.org at the moment, also there were mentioned more in the keynotes by Andrey Breslav at KotlinConf’17 and ’18. We are also working on adding more to the list.
🙂 2
I know at least one local KUG is compiling a list as well.
We use Kotlin as a general Java-upgrade path. So mainly in conjuction with Spring on the backend.
You can even use it (as I did yesterday) to write an AWS Lambda function (Kotlin is not officially supported but AWS accepts jar-files with java8-bytecode in it. So all JVM-languages are actually implicitly supported). Of course JVM-languages are not ideal for lambdas because they constantly start fresh and therefore “cold”. (The runtime doesn’t run long enough for the “hot” pathes to be optimized.)
Maybe they'll allow GraalVM thingies at some point. That should solve that issue.