Hello, I want to write an in-class polling applica...
# announcements
Hello, I want to write an in-class polling application. But how do I check if the student is in the classroom? I thought about doing it with QR code but it has disadvantages. Is there any other way you want to get your ideas.
I don’t think this is the right place to ask this question. Maybe #random would be a better fit, but overall this is not Kotlin-related.
👍 3
I’ve actually just started working on something similar (a locally-hosted game server). my solution is a Ktor websocket server with Kotlin/JS client, and users connect through an SSH tunnel to my localhost (using ngrok or serveo).
I’m still in the setup process, getting the core structure in place for it all, but it’s working really well so far. I’d be happy to share my repo once I get it pushed up to Github in the next day or so
would be very glad if you share. We will write api part with js. we are trying to fit architecture
@ozzmhmt You can see my initial work here: https://github.com/cjbrooks12/witch-hunt. There’s not much there in terms of real functionality yet, but all the building blocks are in place of realtime display of users that have connected. There is a page with a QR code for users to make the initial connection to the server