I've got a ``` ...error: overload resolution ambig...
# announcements
I've got a
Copy code
...error: overload resolution ambiguity:
    [javac] @InlineOnly public inline fun Double.isInfinite(): Boolean defined in kotlin
    [javac] @InlineOnly public inline fun Double.isInfinite(): Boolean defined in kotlin
when I build from ant, but my classpath looks OK. Is there any way I can get
to tell me where its getting these two functions from?
of course intelliJ runs and compiles just fine XD
Does ant have a dependency tree command?
Our libs are stored as a flat list of jars in git-lfs. Ant was upgraded to support ivy, which is a maven crawler, so we should be using that.
but the problem was intrinsics, I was using kotlin 1.3.20 with kotlin-std-lib 1.3.50, so one version was offered by the compiler itself the other was offered by the std-lib.
If you're running
from CLI and passing kotlin-stdlib on classpath, use also
switch to avoid adding the bundled stdlib to classpath.
👍 1
I'm running from ant &
, so I presume thats a
<compilerarg value="-no-stdlib"/>