I have to override a Java method that uses an `@No...
# announcements
I have to override a Java method that uses an
annotation on a parameter even though documentation (and common sense) says that it can be null. If I make the same parameter nullable in my overriding Kotlin method, the compiler complains to me that I'm not overriding. But if I don't, then the function will crash at the hidden parameter assertion that is generated automatically. How do I tell the compiler "shut up, I know what to do"? Can I disable null-assertions for just this method?
You have to override as non null. It seems though that your Java method should be
, so if have access to it you can fix that.
I don't have access, that's the problem
But the compiler generates null checks for that argument, so if it's null it will crash
So override as non null? Do you have to pass null to the API?
Is that some Android API btw?
It's the Timber logging library
I'm not passing null to the library. It is passing null to me. So if I override with a non-nullable parameter, it will crash
Timber should be in Kotlin now…
Last release was 2018...
yeah, it’s in Kotlin now
Not released though. But apparently they changed it so the argument is actually never null. Just the docs are outdated
Annoyingly there was a PR 2 years ago to fix this but never got merged due to bikeshedding 😑
is the latest released version, it has Timber written in Kotlin.
What’s the specific API?
Timber.Tree.log(int priority, @Nullable String tag, @NotNull String message, @Nullable Throwable t)
My dependency in the build.gradle file is 4.7.1 and that file is still Java when I go to it
🤔 1
When I browse the repo at 4.7.1 tag it's still Java too. The release is just too old to include the Kotlin port it seems
Ugh, you are right, it’s not released yet 😕
The owner of timber is in this channel.. probably he could find time to help. @jw
If only the docs are outdated then there's no need to update it right now.