Hi, I have a lot of "Unresolved reference..." comp...
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Hi, I have a lot of "Unresolved reference..." compilation problems in my Kotlin project in IntelliJ IDE despite the fact that whole project compiles perfect in bash with maven. Any idea? IDE version: IntelliJ IDEA 2019.2.3 (Ultimate Edition) Build #IU-192.6817.14, built on September 24, 2019 Kotlin plugin version: 1.3.50-release-IJ2019.2-1
What kind of dependencies are missing - kotlin / java / or third party? Usually, if it is stuff from the standard libraries it indicates a problem with the project setup
@Viktor Penelski, IDE shows a lot of missings. Problem has occured after upgrate from Intellij 2018... to 2019
I am asking whether they are third party or standard library, because if they are from the std libs (at least for me) it usually ends up being something like Project Structure -> Project -> SDK missing or with incorrect language level or Project Structure -> Modules -> one of the modules with incorrect kotlin version or language level or one of the other few places where you can configure the likes
And if it is 3rd party missing and standard being present, it would indicate that gradle/maven is not synchronizing properly
One of the library is for example
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Ok, I went to project settings and removed unnecessary entries. Now everything works perfect. Thank you for showing me the right direction