I'm working on a new way to build projects using v...
# announcements
I'm working on a new way to build projects using vanilla Kotlin files importing this library, with the hopes that one day it could replace Gradle. I'd really like some input from people on this. https://github.com/UnknownJoe796/kbuild
I read the Q/A "Isn't this just Kobalt all over again?" but I still don't get the conceptual difference. Doesn't cobalt also just run a kotlin config file?
It runs a special Kotlin config file. Run it with
or the Kotlin compiler; it won't run. It requires the special runner to function. This is for a literal, plain,
file built to be run with the standard Kotlin runners. Check out what it requires to build a plugin: https://beust.com/kobalt/plug-in-development/index.html This system has no plugins. It doesn't need any - instead of plugins, we just pull in more libraries from Maven into our script. Also, the principles listed in there are different than how Kobalt works - Kobalt is built around DSL setup, which I specifically would like to do away with for the reasons listed in the readme.
Hmm, I see.
Interesting project!
Interesting project! I've wished for something like that a few times. Although consuming the gradle API with kotlin in build.gradle.kts files is pretty swift 😄