I see that my team mates are using `lateinit var` ...
# announcements
I see that my team mates are using
lateinit var
for things that should be downloaded first. Is it good practice? (I don’t like it)
IMO lateinit var should only be used when there is a guarantee that variable will be initialized immediately (just not in the constructor)
for example in
method on Android which is called pretty much immediately after constructor
Any good thoughts to explain it?
I understand they don’t want to have nullable and they are trying to guard with
What happens if download fails? It throws that variable has not been initialised? That does not seem logical from the exception.
it just ignores logic that is there or tries redownload
Could you show the code? I don't understand why a lateinit var is needed if the logic is skipped on failure. Where is the variable accessed then? Or are there checks everywhere if the download succeeded?
My thumb of rule: if you got a case that you need
than you misuse lateinit and should use nullable instead
👍 7
The language provides great tools to handle nullability, so it’s a lot easier and safer to use nullable, than conditional lateinit
I wonder what's the use case that they added
for because like you said if you use it you should probably use nullable type instead.
Because it may be needed for some rare cases, for example for libraries that set lateinit, but most probably it’s not needef for common code
Thank you for comments, if it would be official Kotlin guides about usage of
lateinit var
then it would be great
My rule of thumb is like Andrey's. Only use lateinit if you don't control the object's lifecycle (eg Activity), a 3rd party library injects upon construction (eg Dagger) or a lateinit represents an expensive resources (still, prefer 'lazy' in this case). And I agree, it's a major codesmell when you need 'isInitialized'.