Every time I migrate to next Kotlin version, I hav...
# announcements
Every time I migrate to next Kotlin version, I have to spend many days fixing builds, code, etc in the project (every time I bump k/n version, my builds broke). Every time I migrate to next Kotlin version, somewhere during migration I start googling for better alternatives, that allow to share same performance critical code for iOS, desktop and backend platforms. Every time I actually found some new tool that could do similar things, but estimates shows that it would take at least twice more time (excluding learning time) to use new tool compared to Kotlin. Thank you very much for Kotlin, K/N and the ability to deliver solutions to multiple platforms in very short time!
That’s what you get when using new big things that aren’t mature. Everything’s better and unstable.
Haha, I literally see in my mind Kotlin supporters gathering pitchforks and unsheathing blue steel swords while reading the first lines of your message and then relaxing and sighing contentedly when reaching the end of the message 😄 Well, I definitely did 🙂
😄 1
Not sure. Is it sarcasm or not? 🤔
Doesn't seem like sarcasm given the full text of the message, it basically says, there are some nasty things about K/N, but benefits are greater still and so the OP thanks JB for creating it.
Not sarcasm at all. I really appreciate effort of JB team: developers, testers, managers, even marketing, that shout loud enough, so I could discover kotlin, and doesn't have to suffer with swift or objective-c.