Style question: I have some text to process that n...
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Style question: I have some text to process that needs some easy one to one replacements. One of the replacement is changing escaped quote
to just quote
...I cannot find a readable way to write that down as Pair. I came up with 3 ways to write that down and all of them are borderline unreadable:
Copy code
"\\\"" to "\""

"""\"""" to """""""

It also does not help that Android Studio uses same color for
as for String content.
this should work:
'\"'.toString() to '"'.toString()
if you don't need the pair to explitly be `String`s you can remove the
So just characters? Yeah that looks better. Thanks.
Except that the first one is just
now. I'd say your original first ones are pretty readable, doesn't AS highlight the escape sequence in orange?
right, didn't try it:
"\\"+'"' to '"'.toString()
this actually works, but is not really much more readable
Yeah, I've noticed that first one stopped being 2 characters only after I've pasted it to tests I think that only proves that it was not perfectly readable. For tripple quotes
AS displays whole String in green, for single
it display whole content in orange, so first version has "reasonable" highlighting.
Oh well, it is not that unreadable, and pretty small so I can write a comment there..
Also tests do check this.