Is it possible to reference a specific inheritor f...
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Is it possible to reference a specific inheritor from an abstract parent, rather than any possible inheritor? For example, if I have a
abstract class State
with some helper functions, can I have them return the child type, without it getting generalized to just “anything that inherits from `State`“?
Yes, you just have the inheritor as the return type. Just like everything inherits
and you can still say you return a
But that’d only work in a case where I’ve got a single inheritor to refer to. What could I do if I wanted to make it reusable?
The best thing I have so far is to describe the parent with the following signature:
abstract class State<S: State<S>>
and each child like so:
sealed class TestState: State<TestState>
but this looks pretty ugly
this sounds like you kinda want bootleg self types
via the curiously recurring template pattern
or, rather, that’s what you’re doing
and unfortunately there isn’t a better way of doing it in Kotlin or on the JVM in general 😞
dunno if you already have something like this but, this is how I’d do it:
Copy code
abstract class State<S : State<S>> {
  protected abstract fun self(): S

  fun helperFunc(): S {
    return self()
and have children implement the
method by just returning
assuming you want to return the child itself - otherwise just having the return type be
and keeping things abstract works fine
Ah, gotcha, thanks @Shawn! I think I’ll just have to keep things abstract and always work with S in the parent class.
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I'm sorry, I completely misunderstood. Thanks @Shawn for actually being helpful simple smile
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No worries, @karelpeeters! It’s a tough problem to articulate