*Unfortunately we have troubles with running all t...
# announcements
*Unfortunately we have troubles with running all tests when they are mixed
. We would like to migrate from
Spek 2
framework to pure
in our project. In our case that’s a ton of tests. Have you seen any converter that does that?
what kinds of problems are you having? I believe Spek runs as a Junit5 test engine, and there is a “vintage” engine to run Junit4 tests. Both of them should just work within the Junit5 framework
I'd strongly suggest moving to JUnit5 API for your tests. It's much better than JUnit4, and yet quite similar overall.
👆 1
I am curious what are downsides of spek2 tests that you've decided to migrate to Junit4 style? 🤔
Thank you for your support. We fixed the issue thanks to https://github.com/spekframework/spek/issues/232
That’s not my decision about ditching
in our existing code base. However, personally, I wouldn’t choose it for a greenfield project, because I don’t like frameworks with uncertain future.
I agree about future of Spek2. It looks promising, but has looked promising for at least 1 1/2 years now. Kotlintest or Junit5+AssertJ/Atrium are much better alternatives.
If you have many tests written in Spek style, it would probably be easier to convert them to KotlinTest style than back to
@test fun myTest() {}
👍 1