Hello Anyone has exp with moshi when dealing with ...
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Hello Anyone has exp with moshi when dealing with different types on the same property? My specific use case, I have a variable that sometimes returns an object and others a boolean šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø I know this must be done with adapters but I havenā€™t been able to get it to work, since all the examples I read is from a int to bool or something like that, not primitive to object Thanks in advance šŸ’Ŗ ```
Code example? (Have you considered
When using GSON, we just have 2 different nullable variables for each case. Not the best, but it worked
Copy code
object: {
  owner: "John Doe",
  price: false <--------- bool


object: {
  owner: "John Doe",
  price: { <--------- Object
      rate: 0.00420529425481,
      amount: 343

Hereā€™s a small snippet to illustrate the use case, regarding kotlinx I havenā€™t used it as an adapter for retrofit so not sure if it is working, as for GSON it would a big change and possibly loose capability of the default values šŸ˜„
I wanted to switch to Moshi but co-worker didn't want to change
Well, this looks like sealed class territory.
Iā€™ve read, and re-read that article still havenā€™t been able to figure out,t his has to do with the Kotlin adapter which Iā€™m unable to build a working solutions :S @Dominaezzz donā€™t really get where sealed classes would be useful here?
What type do you want
to be?
the objectā€¦ and null if bool
Oh! Instead of using
is used.
I didn't understand that.
You can make a type adapter and check for
Thanks for your input but thatā€™s exactly what Iā€™ve been saying, if you read what Iā€™ve said you can see what my use case is, I donā€™t get the sealed classes and checking for ā€œfalseā€ would help. My issue is exactly with the adapter from boolean to object (the one I specify), Iā€™ve been searching all over the interwebz and canā€™t seem to find a good solution :S
I think what Dominic is saying is that by using a sealed class with a name of "price", you could have 2 different types: One that has a boolean value and another that has the items in your object
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Copy code
class PriceAdapter(val adapter: RealPriceAdpater) {
  @ToJson fun toJson(price: Price?): String {
    return if (price != null) adapter.toJson(price) else "false"

  @FromJson fun fromJson(price: String): Price? {
    if (price == "false") return null
    return adapter.fromJson(price)
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