Okay so... I'm developing with Angular CLI now on ...
# announcements
Okay so... I'm developing with Angular CLI now on my web front end, but my backend uses SpringBoot with Kotlin.... seems so incredibly silly to write one part of the app in kotlin and the other part in typescript... is there ever going to be a Kotlin based Angular CLI or is Typescript going to maintain it's monopoly on that platform?
seems so incredibly silly to write one part of the app in kotlin and the other part in typescript
you mean, like, how people have been developing for decades?
I mean... sure... some programmers do that without heart burn, but suspect very few software engineers would accept this as okay.
I.. what? the vast majority of web applications today uses disparate languages for frontend and backend
slack itself is PHP on the backend and JS (or maybe even TS) on the client side for web and desktop
It would definitely be nice to use the same language for everything, but yeah, it's not normal. I'd be surprised if there wasn't an easy full-stack development set that used all Kotlin within a few years though.
👍 1
Good to know shawn, I agree that's the way it is right now, not necessarily the way it should be... I mean, the vast majority of applications on the web have massive security breaches... obviously doing something wrong... building a skyscraper is just as complicated as building software, but they aren't collapsing every other day, lol. I mean jeez man... they both compile to JS... why should there be two, practically identical languages, for compiling real code to a scripting language... just seems crazy, doubling the points of failure, doubling the points of trust your putting into two different companies... but I know I'm just griping now 😃.
No need to wait few years 🙂 KVision allows easy fullstack kotlin development right now.
interesting... Yeah I need a server frontend and backend, then iOS and android apps... maybe I'll check it out more.
Considering there are kotlin wrappers for react we may not have to wait too long. https://github.com/JetBrains/kotlin-wrappers
FYI, TypeScript and Kotlin interop are being worked on with Dukat by JetBrains.
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Wow cool, so many tools it makes my brain hurt...lol, will check it out